Saturday, May 22, 2010

Settling Down Again

We made the phone call and made it official...our house is no longer for sale! We took it off the market as of last night. It has brought us such peace and a breath of fresh air. We can have a mess, live life freely, and not be tied to someone else's schedule or date book. Ahhhhh! So we got up this morning and walked through our back yard as I scarfed down my multi-grain cheerios and Bill his coffee as we raced through all the new possabilities and potential our house still has. It felt like we just bought our house all over again. We broke the news to Gabe and a huge smile came across his face. I think he was happy with the decision we have made too! So, we took the morning to clan out our shed in the backyard as we are in search of our summer clothes and we brought some things back into our house that we de-cluttered so we could show the house.

I called my Dad to help us plant some flowers along the shed and around our tree. Then I transplanted some flowers from our smaller front flowerbed to the bigger one along the length of the house because they were getting too big where they were. We thought we would tackle putting in some more sod but by Dad so kindly offered to stay and help us out since Bill hates to do yard work and doesn't really know how to lay sod. :-) Bill is going to paint their bathroom today in trade of his time in laying our sod. It seems fair, right?

Here are some before pictures.

Here are some after pictures.

And we realized that we had a sunflower growing along our back fence from seeds we planted last summer. Neat, huh? I think we are going to add the rest of Gabe's sunflower plants back there.

Well, I am off to purge, clean & organize the craft closet.....

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