Sunday, August 21, 2011

Gabe's 6th Birthday

We celebrated Gabe's 6th birthday at night since it is so hot here so early we thought it would be better at night.  Well, I don't know if we were or not but at least we had some water misters on our patio that helped keep us cool.  I appreciate everyone who came out & sweat with us to celebrate Gabe's 6th birthday!  It really means a lot to us!

We kicked it Phineas & Ferb Style

I thought a rainbow theme would go good with the Phineas & Ferb theme-so I guess it's like a theme in a theme-kind of over the top but I like to make things complicated!  :-)  The show is so bright & fun and rainbows can be so girly and I loved them so I just tied the two together and I think it turned out just great! 

I made him a phineas & ferb birthday banner of course!  I also made some fun felt bunting to hang up on the patio and on the gift table!

We scored big this year with the theme because Target had a bunch of items in the dollar section where we scored lots of locker posters which dressed up the pati & yard.  We also got most of our favors for the boxes there as well.

We served pizza, salad, fruit kabobs (in a rainbow pattern), and beverages.
For dessert we had oreo pops, chocolate covered marshmallows and a cookie cake made by my sweet & talented friend Melissa!  Isn't it amazing??  I LOVED it!
 We played games like pin the tail on Perry and You're so Busted (balloon pop).  What would a Phineas & Ferb party be without making something, right?  So everyone got to create a marshmallow shoot-inator!  How fun!  While in Colorado my wonderful husband cut all the pvc & spray painted them so when I got home I just had to bag them up, throw in some marshmallows & we were good to go!  Everyone got a bag and were told how to construct them.  Then the REAL fun began!

Needless to was HOT HOT HOT out but we had a GREAT party & LOTS of fun!

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